Interview skills in academia mater… A lot! Insights from sitting on an academic panel

When gearing up for an academic interview, the focus tends to gravitate towards ground-breaking research and impressive CVs, often leading to the undervaluation of interview skills. Having sat on an academic panel, I cannot stress enough the importance of interview skills. Here are some invaluable lessons I've gleaned:

  1. Presentation matters: No matter how good your research project or CV may be, a poorly conducted interview can overshadow all your accomplishments. Your ability to present yourself confidently and articulately is key to making a lasting impression.

  2. Minor details make major difference: In highly competitive awards/job posts, even minor aspects of your interview performance can sway the outcome. Pay attention to every detail, from keeping on time to your body language, as they can all contribute to the overall perception of you as a candidate.

  3. Fit over ego: Understanding that the interview process is not solely about showcasing your achievements, but rather about demonstrating how you are the right fit for the institution or position, is paramount. Tailor your responses to highlight your compatibility with the organisation's culture and values.

  4. Balance presentation and confidence: While a polished presentation is essential, it's equally important to exude confidence in your answers to the panel. Don't become so fixated on perfecting your presentation at the expense of preparing robust answers.

  5. Authenticity wins hearts: Despite the high stakes involved, authenticity can set you apart from other candidates. Let your personality shine through, as panel members appreciate genuine interactions and connections during interviews.


Take Home message:

Recognise that by the time you're shortlisted for an interview, the panel has already acknowledged your academic credentials. Therefore, your interview performance becomes the sole determinant of your candidacy. Underestimating the significance of interview preparation can potentially sabotage your chances of success.

By refining your presentation, attention to detail, understanding of fit, balance of confidence and authenticity, you can effectively wow the panel. Remember, it's not just about what you know, but how you present yourself that truly counts.

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